
Our Service & maintenance

fire extinguishers must be maintained on a regular basis to ensure that proper work. You, the owner or occupant of the property where the fire extinguishers are located, are responsible for arranging your fire extinguishers' maintenance.
Fire extinguishers must be inspected or given a "quick check" every 30 days. Most extinguishers, this is a job that you can easily do by locating the extinguishers in your workplace and answering the three questions below.


to use?

Watch the fire closely to ensure the flames don’t flare up again. Back away slightly if they do. Aim the hose again, squeeze the lever, and sweep the hose across the base of the fire again to extinguish

Every fire extinguisher has a pin inserted into the handle that prevents the fire extinguisher from being discharged by accident. Grab the ring and pull the pin out from the side of the handle

To release the extinguishing agent, squeeze the two levers together with one hand while you aim the hose at the base of the fire with the other.

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